Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fence construction continues!

With thanks to our amazing sponsors the next faze in construction on the 'Chimpanzee Habitat for Conservation and Education' began yesterday!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Lwiro Roots and Shoots continues!

Roots and Shoots Lwiro now has a new instructor – Roger! Roger did an amazing job at teaching the children about World Forest Day and the importance of forests in the lives of people and animals! And most importantly, what the children can do to save their own forests in Congo!

The children had such a fantastic time they couldn’t stay in their seats! Roger also used story telling and songs in his lesson. The children were keen to share their own stories and songs as well.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Amazing support from amazing organizations - THANK YOU!

The CRPL is so happy to announce that since January 2011 we have been awarded four grants.

The International Primate Protection League US– a fantastic supporter of the CRPL - awarded us one of their end of year grants. While the International Primate Protection League UK also awarded us a grant. These funds will contribute to the running costs of the CRPL and the continued construction of the fences. We thank IPPL for their ongoing support.

Chester Zoo awarded a grant for the completion of a parasitological study working within the CRPL and Kahuzi-Biega National Park.
And Columbus Zoo have awarded the CRPL a grant to cover the costs of the electric and solar power system for the ‘Chimpanzee Habitat for Conservation and Education’.

The assistance of these organizations is so appreciated. We can not thank you enough.